How To Last Longer In Bed

By Dan Becket

By Dan Becket
Researcher, Author, Coach.

Hi. I’m Dan. I coach men on how to last longer in bed and here I’ll show you the exact steps to last over 20 minutes in every time.

How To Last Longer In Bed Training Guide

The following are tried and tested methods that are helping men last longer in bed naturally, without pills or creams. Next, it’s time to get them working for you.

If you’re a woman, read this first.

For the men, this guide covers a lot. So we’ve broken it down into these 7 steps.

The 7 Steps To Last Longer In Bed Naturally

  1. Instant cool down techniques (Use these tonight)
  2. How to think for longer lasting sex
  3. How to breathe during intercourse (Learn in 5 minutes)
  4. How to control sexual arousal
  5. Advanced Exercises to last longer in bed naturally (Important)
  6. Positions and techniques to last longer during sex
  7. How to last during hard, pounding sex (Advanced)

7 Easy Ways To Last Longer In Bed

Follow these steps exactly and you will go from zero to lasting at least 20 minutes in the bedroom every time. It’s not difficult and any man can do this.

Note: For the next section I will speak to you as one of my clients. It’s what I’m used to and the best way to explain all the methods to you.

We have a lot to cover, so let’s get into it. Here’s how to last longer in bed for men in seven easy steps.

1.  Instant Cool Down Techniques

Cool down your ejaculation system with these techniques

These 2 methods will cool your system fast and bring you back from the dreaded point of no return.

Most guys who can’t last in bed begin to panic during sex, which only makes things worse. But once you have a few cool-down techniques up your sleeve, you’ll know you always have a fallback.

These two techniques are easy to learn and you can use them tonight.

1. The TBP Method

The TBP Method has been used by all my private clients and It’s super easy to learn.

TBP stands for TongueBackPush. Use this technique when you feel your arousal level rising but before you reach the point of no return.

There are 3 parts to it:

Part 1 – Run the tip of your tongue in a circular motion around the roof of your mouth. You can keep your mouth closed, so your partner won’t even notice. It will tickle slightly. I know this sounds weird but stick with me and I’ll explain why it works.

Part 2 – At the same time run your hands up and down your partner’s back in long even strokes. Spread your fingers and go all the way up to her shoulders and down to her lower back (but make sure to avoid her butt).

Tune in to how she feels. Her skin. Her muscles. Her contour.  Make sure this is your prime focus.

If you are in a position where you cannot reach her back (such as missionary), make sure to focus on her shoulders, neck, head or even her hair.

Part 3 – The final part is to push your PC Muscle out (learn how to find your PC muscles here). Push out as though you’re starting the flow of urine (don’t worry, nothing will come out – I promise). Visualize yourself pushing out and releasing tension within. Hold for about 5 seconds and then release. Relax for 5 seconds and repeat.

Why it works:

  • Stops you from narrowly focusing
  • Removes tension from your pelvic area (push)
  • Prevents you from focusing only on genital stimulation
  • Returns your focus to your partner

Your partner won’t even notice you doing anything, apart from the extra attention paid to her body, which she will enjoy.

2: The Snooze Button

Stop Coming Too Soon With The Snooze Technique
The second technique should be saved for the very last line of defense. And it involves manually stopping your ejaculation.

Despite what most guys assume, your ejaculation and orgasm are two separate physical actions (1). They often occur together, but they don’t have to.

This technique involves pressing your perineum to stop your ejaculation, but not your orgasm.

Finding Your Perineum

The perineum is located midway between your anus and your scrotum. You’ll know you have the right point when you feel it pulsate during orgasm.

Sorry guys. Hope you’re not halfway through lunch, but we need a diagram here:

Holding your perineum is an emergency method to last longer during intercourse

Here’s what to do:

  1. Press your perineum firmly as you are about to ejaculate
  2. Continue holding for the duration of your orgasm
  3. Release when you feel your contractions subsiding

If you get the right point, you will not physically ejaculate. Practice this on your own once or twice first.

Important: This method should be saved for emergencies only as a last line of defense. DON”T overuse it.

Note: I teach 10 full instant cool-down methods in my Ejaculation Freedom Training Program.

2. How To Think For Longer Lasting Sex

To stop anxiety, negative thoughts, or panic contributing to your premature ejaculation, you need to do 2 things.

Step 1 is to learn the physical skills of ejaculation control I will show you on this page. Once you have acquired and practiced these skills a natural aura of confidence will follow. I promise.

It really is this simple.

Step 2 is to change your mental approach to sex by doing the following things…

Ways To Improve Your Sexual Mindset:

  • Women are not from Venus – And you are not from Mars. They share 99.9 percent of your DNA. Don’t view the opposite sex as a different species, or put them on a pedestal. Get comfortable with them.
  • View sex as an activity (that happens to be very enjoyable) and not something mystical or magical.
  • Talk to her. Tell a Joke. Lighten up. Laugh at your mistakes.
  • Learn my instant cool down techniques – knowing you have all 10 of these up your sleeve “just in case”, is often enough to eliminate doubt and panic completely.
  • You don’t have a sexual dysfunction – There are just a few new skills you need to learn.
  • Focus on her – mentally and physically. During penetrative sex try gently caressing your partner all over and focus in on how it feels. Her back, her legs, her hair. Not just the sexual areas. Everywhere.
  • Stop thinking about what-ifs – if your mind starts to wander, bring it back to your partner. Be present.
  • Know that lifelong premature ejaculation is a myth – I’ll show you why next.
  • Remember that this is not all in your head
  • Stop thinking this is just the way you are. IT’S NOT.

And that’s guys. Make these mental switches and do the training and you will last longer in bed.

3. How To Breathe During Intercourse

Start Lasting Longer With The These Breathing Techniques

If you don’t breathe the right way during sex, you will struggle to last in bed. And most guys who experience premature ejaculation get this wrong.

But it’s easy to learn and it will make a difference straight away.

Breathing the right way relaxes your muscles, and removes the tension that would otherwise work its way down to your pelvic area.

The trick is to develop the habit of deep breathing before sex has begun. This builds a solid foundation for the new skills you will develop.

How To Breath During Sex To Avoid Premature Ejaculation

Diaphragmatic breathing will help you last longer in bed naturally

  1. Breathe in through your nose steadily and deeply for 8 seconds. Visualize the air being pulled deep within. Don’t tense your muscles.
  2. Hold for 1 second.
  3. Breathe out evenly and steadily through your mouth for 10 seconds. Don’t rush it. Visualize yourself breathing out tension, from deep within your core.

Your premature ejaculation is always caused by involuntary muscular tension so our goal is to reduce and control that tension. A correct breathing method starts us out on the right foot.

Note: The full program includes 3 separate advanced breathing techniques, plus how to combine them with meditative and visualization techniques.

4. How To Read And Control Sexual Arousal

I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but your body is on your side. It wants you to succeed. To take control and delay ejaculation. It really does. Which is why it sends you direct signals every time you have sex. The problem is, most guys (and I’m betting you’re one of them) totally misinterpret them.

So to last longer in bed before coming you will learn to understand these signals. It’s not hard. In fact, it’s flat-out simple.

You’ll be learning a huge number of techniques and skills and here is where you’ll know exactly when to use each of them.

Here I explain how to prevent premature ejaculation by understanding the mechanics of sexual pleasure and reading these signals during each stage of arousal.

5. Advanced Exercises To Last Longer In The Bedroom Naturally

The methods we’ve covered so far will get you started, but to fully develop your staying power and enjoy longer sex sessions you’ll need some physical training.

Do you know what causes ejaculation? If you’re like most of the guys I coach you probably have no idea.

It’s simple actually. It’s just one muscle that is responsible for triggering and propelling ejaculation. It’s the pubococcygeus muscle (PC) and next, we’ll learn how to control it.

This is important stuff because when your PC muscle is relaxed, it is literally impossible to ejaculate.

The problem is, it’s one of the hardest muscles in your body to control. But it can be done with the right training.

And I’ll be showing you exactly how to do it…

Edging Exercises

The stop and start method, the squeeze technique, and traditional “edging” have been around for years and they are what most sex therapists and books will teach you. While they are better than nothing, I want to give you guys something better.

That’s why, after working with my clients as a sexual health coach, I have developed much more powerful exercises to make your sex last longer.

These advanced premature ejaculation edging techniques go far beyond what the average sex therapist will show you, and will allow you to withstand intense stimulation without any stopping and starting.

Premature Ejaculation Edging Exercises
Note: You’ll get 8 advanced edging techniques in the full program.

Kegel Exercises

A lot of amateur advice online tells you to do Kegel exercises to boost sexual stamina. But this type of pelvic floor muscle exercise won’t prevent premature ejaculation and can make your problem worse.

Kegels are great at strengthening your pelvic floor muscles or pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle). But they are not good at improving control over these muscles. And there is a BIG difference.

Because lasting longer during sex for men is about control, not strength. And it’s the tensing and flexing in this area that is the physical trigger of your premature ejaculation. So the last thing you want to do is strengthen it without boosting control.

That’s why I advise against using traditional pelvic floor muscle exercises to treat premature ejaculation. And it’s also why I’ve developed a safe and more effective type of Kegel exercise. Stamina Kegels.

What Are Stamina Kegels?

Rather than focus on force, Stamina Kegels train you to release tension from your pelvic floor muscles. The trick is to focus on isolating your PC muscle and control it without flexing surrounding areas.

It will feel different to start with, but it doesn’t take long to build muscle memory. And after a week of daily 5-minute training sessions, you will be able to relax your PC Muscle on call.

6. Positions And Techniques To Last Longer During Sex

Best Positions And Techniques To Last Longer

Next up, you’ll need some sex positions and techniques to last longer during sex.

Note: Once you have mastered all the skills, you’ll be able to last using any sex position you choose. But until then, you’ll need to understand and sometimes use the positions and techniques listed.

What to consider when choosing a Sex position:

  • Muscular tension required
  • Amount of stimulation to the head of the penis
  • Depth of penetration
  • Amount of thrusting
  • Visuals

Reducing Involuntary Muscular Tension during sex

Most guys assume that it’s blood flow and too much stimulation to your penis that causes premature ejaculation. But that’s only a small part of it. What’s more important is the way some positions cause you to flex your core muscles involuntarily.

This excess tension travels through your body, straight to your pelvic and ejaculatory muscles. Most guys who experience premature ejaculation tend not to notice it happening until it’s too late.

But it’s easy to make a few small adjustments to stop this early ejaculation trigger at its source.

Sexual Techniques To Help You Last Longer

There are also some specific sexual techniques you can put into action to instantly cool down. They need to be explained in detail, so you’ll need to do the full premature ejaculation training program to get these in full.

Until then, here are some quick tips:

  • Focus on grinding not thrusting.
  • Rotate your pelvis without tensing core muscles.
  • Know where your girl’s hot spots are and learn how to hit them without overheating yourself.
  • Distribute your weight to the right areas.
  • Move your entire body fluidly during sexual intercourse – Don’t just poke away with your groin.

Sexual techniques to extend intercourse

No More Stopping And Starting During Sex

I never encourage men to stop and start during sex. Women hate it and it leads to the wrong type of mindset. And once you have mastered these techniques you’ll never have to stop and start again.

 Note: My full training program explains all the best positions and how to use them.  

7. How To Last During Hard, Pounding Sex Sessions (Advanced)

How To Last In Bed during Hard Sex

Next, there’s just one more thing you’ll need. And that’s the skills to stay in total control during those hard, pounding sex sessions that you’ve probably been missing out on.

Women don’t want this kind of sex all the time. But they all need that feeling of being taken deep and hard once in a while. And they will start to crave it after too much of the slow and soft stuff.

If your partner’s not reaching orgasm regularly and feeling sexually satisfied, she’s only a text to the Ex or a Tinder swipe away from getting this elsewhere.  But here we’ll be making sure that you’re the man giving it to her.

For those who will miss out on the full program, here’s what this final part of the training will cover.

  • A powerful mental hack that changes the way your frontal lobe makes sexual associations in bed
  • Pelvic thrusting techniques that allow for hard pounding sex without losing control
  • Focus techniques that put you in the zone every time
  • Control your ejaculatory muscle with a 3 pronged combo move
  • Plus all the advanced training modules

If doing the full training program, you’ll have already built your stamina up to 10-20 minutes. This is where you will take it up a level again and achieve full control. This is Ejaculation Freedom. It’s a great feeling. And you’re going to love it…

Download Your Copy Of Ejaculation Freedom Right Now

Download Ejaculation Freedom Now And Last Longer In Bed Tonight

Full Program Just $49

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  • Instant Download – Get started right now
  • Full 60 days 100% Money-back Guarantee
  • Successfully used by 78,600+ men

Thanks for joining me and I hope that you now have a much better understanding of the exact steps you can take to last longer in bed.

It’s not easy being a man with premature ejaculation. It can affect your mental health and many men are so ashamed that they give up on a satisfying sex life altogether. But the fact that you’re here shows that you’re not that kind of man.

And you are exactly the type of guy my training system will work for.

I have total faith in my Ejaculation Freedom program. I have seen it work for thousands of men and I know that if you follow the straightforward, step-by-step methods I layout, it will work for you too.

Let me help you build the skills and confidence to enjoy the type of satisfying sex life that you deserve.

Yours Sincerely,

Dan Becket

Download Your Copy


Your Week By Week Training Schedule

Your 1 Month Training Schedule To Last Longer In Bed
There’s a lot here for you to take in. And to understand this stuff 100% you’ll need to try it and experience it for yourself.

So next I’m going to show you your 4-week training schedule, should you decide to follow it. Again, this is all taken from my Ejaculation Freedom program.

Training Week 1

Week 1 is all about showing you how your ejaculatory system works and developing skills to control it at each stage of arousal naturally. We’ll get you breathing correctly, putting your mind in an optimal state, and you’ll learn a stack of instant cool-down methods. 

  • All about premature ejaculation (What it is, what causes it, and how you will fix it)
  • Breathing techniques
  • Instant cool-down methods
  • Visualization and meditative techniques
  • Arousal Levels – understanding, reading, and controlling them
  • Getting into a prime mental state before sex
  • Intro to Turn-backs and edging techniques
  • Ejaculatory training fundamentals

Training Week 2

Now we take it up a notch and by the end of the week, you’ll be able to isolate and control individual ejaculatory muscles and will be achieving turn-backs during sex.

  • Reading your body’s signals and taking the RIGHT action
  • Advanced sexual positions and techniques and when to use them
  • Instant cool-down methods
  • Tips to delay ejaculation during oral sex
  • How to achieve multiple turnbacks during sex (without stopping)
  • Stamina Kegel exercises and how to relax your PC muscle
  • Controlling and relaxing your pelvic floor muscles 
  • More ejaculatory training

Training Week 3

Here’s where we double down on the training. This is when my clients see all their new skills working together and it’s when you’ll reach a tipping point and know that premature ejaculation is not something you are stuck with. It’s a great feeling and will set you up for the final week of the program.

  • Advanced edging and turn-back techniques (to use during sex)
  • Stopping your ejaculatory reflex
  • Advanced ejaculatory training
  • Advanced Pelvic floor exercises
  • Combo techniques – get everything working together
  • How to use these new skills during sexual activity

Training Week 4

It’s important for me to send you out the door and into the bedroom at the end of the 4 weeks of training with the skills, techniques, and mindset to last as long as you choose. Here’s where we’ll cover the skills that will get you there. This is what I call Ejaculation Freedom. It’s a great feeling, and you are going to love it.

  • Getting in the zone every time (a state of flow)
  • Going beyond 20 minutes
  • Lasting during hard, pounding sex sessions (you will love this)
  • Sexual mastery
  • Habits that will stop your premature ejaculation from ever returning
  • Making the most of your new-found stamina

And that’s it. Mark the date from today, and imagine how good you will be feeling in just 4 weeks if you start training right now.

Download Ejaculation Freedom Here

Download Your Copy Here

If you have any comments or questions about what we have covered you can leave a comment below (you can comment anonymously). Alternatively, you can contact me via email here. You can also check out more details on the full program here. Good luck with it! – Dan

Dan Becket
Dan Becket

Dan Becket is an award winning-researcher, coach, and author on ejaculatory control and the treatment and prevention of premature ejaculation. He is the creator of Ejaculation Freedom – The world’s best premature ejaculation training program


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5 years ago

thank you so much for all you have thought me right now and will appreciate to be updated in every new steps

6 years ago


6 years ago

Does this program also helps for lasting longer for BJ ?